Description :

sigma Therm®-200 is a synthetic organic heat transfer fluid based on Inhibited Ethylene Glycol and corrosion inhibitors.

Application :

Indirect closed heat transfer systems from (–50) °C to 175 °C.

This single fluid based solution is used for challenging requirement of Pharmaceutical, Fine Chemicals, HVAC and other industries where two different circuits with different fluids are there for cooling and heating purpose.

Benefits :

  • Eliminates duel fluids for heating and cooling.
  • Long Life.
  • Cost Effective Solution
  • Trouble free operation

Typical Properties :

Composition Propylene Glycol 92 %, Inhibitors & Water 8 %
Appearance colourless
Reserve Alkalinity (min) ml 11
Kin. Vis. @ 20˚C, cSt 55 ± 60
Density @ 20 ˚ C , gm/c3 1.045 ± 1.055
Flash Point ˚C 120
pH, 50% vol. in water 7.2-7.6